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Nylon sleeve inner gear ring
Nylon sleeve inner gear ring
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内齿形弹性联轴器是目前国内的产品,在   已经广泛地被采用,适用于轴间及的挠性传动,允许较大的轴向径向位移和角位移,且具有结构简单、维修方便、拆装容易、噪声低、传动功效损失小、使用寿命长等优点、倍受用户欢迎。轴孔型式有圆柱形(Y)、圆锥形(Z)和短圆柱形(J)。轴孔和键槽按   标准GB3852-83《联轴器轴孔和键槽形式及尺寸》的规定加工。工作温度为-20~+70℃。

鼓形齿式联轴器尼龙套内齿圈属于刚挠性联轴器,齿式联轴器是由齿数相同的内齿圈和带外齿的凸缘半联轴器等零件组成。外齿分为直齿和鼓形齿两种齿形,所谓鼓形齿即为将外齿制成球面,球面   在齿轮轴线上,齿侧间隙较一般齿轮大,鼓形齿联轴器可允许较大的角位移(相对于直齿联轴器),可   齿的接触条件,提高传递转矩的能力,延长使用寿命。有角位移时沿齿宽的接触状态。具有径向、轴向和角向等轴线偏差补偿能力,具有结构紧凑、回转半径小、承载能力大、传动、噪声低及维修周期长等优点,特别适用于低速重载工况,如冶金、矿山、起重运输等行业、也适用于石油、化工、通用机械等各类机械的轴系传动。

The characteristics of the drum gear coupling (compared with the straight gear coupling, it has the following characteristics):

1. Carrying.Under the same outer diameter of the inner gear sleeve and the outer diameter of the coupling, the load-bearing capacity of the drum gear coupling is 15-20% higher than that of the straight gear coupling on average.

2. Large angular displacement compensation.When the radial displacement is equal to zero, the allowable angular displacement of the spur gear coupling is 1o, and the allowable angular displacement of the drum gear coupling is 1o30', an increase of 50%.Under the same modulus, number of teeth, and tooth width, the allowable angular displacement of the drum gear is larger than that of the straight tooth.

3. The drum-shaped tooth surface makes the contact conditions of the inner and outer teeth avoid the disadvantages of squeezing the edge of the straight tooth and stress concentration under the condition of angular displacement. At the same time, it reduces the friction and wear of the tooth surface, reduces the noise and maintenance The cycle is long.

4. The tooth end of the outer gear sleeve is in the shape of a horn, which makes the assembly and disassembly of the inner and outer gears convenient.

5. The transmission reaches 99.7%.

Based on the characteristics of warp, at present, drum-shaped teeth have generally been substituted for straight-tooth couplings.


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